Policy HSSEQ
Health and Safety
Safety is a core value and a top priority at Dakar Offshore . With the objective of zero incidents, we want our employees to return from work safely each day. We are committed to safeguarding the health, including mental health, and wellbeing of everyone engaged in the delivery of our services. Our focus will always be on the prevention of risk and the development of a positive HSE culture within Dakar Offshore.
We measure the environmental impact created by our operations and activities and set annual targets for the continuous improvement of our environmental performance and prevention of pollution. To achieve this, we pay special attention to: Environmental audits - Employee engagement - Carbon emissions - Reducing waste - Low-carbon - Customer engagement -External collaboration -Reporting -Measuring - Compliance
We are committed to the fight against security threats In today’s high threat environment, the focus on providing effective security for our business and our clients is more important than ever. Security risks are assessed through Dakar Offshore Group Business Continuity Arrangements.